Sierra Trading Post (STP) 信用卡billing地址问题解决经验

泱子  发布于  2015-05-06 04:12:12  次浏览 0喜欢 我也喜欢



Dear XXXX,

Thank you for your recent order.  Unfortunately, it is being delayed because:  The billing address provided for this card does not match the bank's records. Please be aware, your bank may have an old address on file, a previous address, a P.O. Box, or a business address. Please call your bank to confirm your billing address, then contact us by email or phone to provide us with the d/correct information.大概意思:账单地址跟银行记录不匹配,请您跟银行核对一下,然后通过邮件或者电话跟我们联系更新您的信息。

We need verification of the billing shipping addresses. Please call our toll-free number to verify both billing shipping addresses or you may respond by email. We ask that you verify each address in full to make sure we have the correct information in order to process ship your order to the correct place. Please make sure to include any specific information, such as apartment numbers, P.O. boxes, suite numbers, etc.大意:请通过拨打客服电话或者邮件等形式,将您的billing shipping账单地址和邮寄地址再次提供给我们,以确保我们得到的是您正确的信息。

Please refer to your order number your customer number when responding to this letter.大意:请您回信时写清楚您的订单编号order number和客户编号customer number

Your merchandise will be held for 7 days. If we do not hear from you, we will cancel your order. If you have already taken care of this over the phone, please disregard this notice.大意:您的订单商品会为您保留7天,如果我们没有接到您的回复,我们将取消您的订单。 

We apologize for the delay, look forward to hearing from you soon.

我的解决方法,如下 我回复给Sierra Trading Post这样一封邮件,内容如下: 

Dear Sir or Madam, Customer Number: xxxxxxxxxxxx      (客户编号:xxxxxxxx) Order Number: xxxxxxxxxxx             (订单编号:xxxxxxxx)   客户编号订单编号一定要写上 I have received a letter from you said that the billing address provided for my credit card does not match the bank's records. 大意:我收到了您的邮件说我的账单地址跟银行记录不符合。  I believe what casued this problem is my credit card which issued by the Back of China, in which the billing address in the system is in Chinese, so it may seem a little different when it's translated in English. 我觉得可能是因为我的信用卡是由中国银行签发的,账单地址是中文的,地址翻译成英文后有些许不同。(我的信用卡是中行Bank Of China的,大家用其他银行的卡的时候要修改一下)

The billing address : (In English)           大意:用英文写的账单地址 XX XXXXXXX                                      这里写了信用卡上面印的名字拼音        FF, TOWER B,                                     从这里开始把翻译成英文的地址写一下  NO.1   XXXXXXXXXX STREET 

BEIJING, CHINA                                城市名,国家名 

1000XX                                            邮编 

The billing address : (In Chinese)     大意:中文账单地址  中国 北京市 XX区 XXXX大街1号 XXXX    姓名   1000XX

I am sure my shipping addresses is also right.       大意:我确定我的邮寄地址是正确的(STP也让再核对一下发货的邮寄地址,所以我又写了一次) 

My shipping addresses is             我的邮寄地址是。。。。  MXXXX   XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX   XXXXn, OR 97008           

发了邮件之后,我等了一个白天,没有给我回复,于是心急的我就去找他们的live chat沟通了一下,就是把我的邮件通过live chat发给他们了,客服回复说会帮我跟进的。 又过了一个晚上,我就收到发货通知邮件啦,于是问题顺利解决~坐等收货! 我英文也不是很好,所以请忽略上面的语法拼写之类的错误~反正能让STP知道什么意思啦 以上我的经验,供大家参考~ 排版总是乱乱的,我尽力了,大家将就着看吧


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